First Nations and RJLL
In the last years, Forage RJLL has developed partnerships with indigenous communities in order to have a positive impact on their territories. We wish, through the creation of these new businesses, to promote the training, hiring and development of the workforce of indigenous communities, all with the aim of generating positive spinoffs and sharing the profits with each community in which RJLL will operate.
These partnerships are mainly based on knowledge sharing and a comprehensive training plan to teach them the trade of diamond drillers in order to be able to properly integrate them into the field of drilling and thus contribute to the economic development of the First Nations.
- Assibi
- Nuvumiut
This collaboration will allow us to extend our territory of activities to Nunavik. We would especially like to thank our partners Lukasi Pilurtuut and Lukasi Tukirqi from Kangiqsujuaq as well as Johnny Alaku and Donald Cameron from Salluit for their involvement in signing this major project.
- Nouchimi
In partnership with the Spencer family, Lindy and his two boys Linden and Lindros, from the community of Eastmain, this entity was created to contribute to the economic development of Cree communities in the James Bay sector.
- Wawatay
This partnership aims to link the drilling industry with the Timiskaming First Nation Anishnabe Nation for active participation in drilling activities on their territory, while training and involving TFN community members into our organization.
We are looking forward to answer your questions and comments.
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